On December 1st, fall officially departed and winter promptly arrived with a cold front in Kragujevac, followed by a lovely snowfall on the 3rd. I could get used to this kind of orderly seasonal schedule; winter starts on December 1, spring on March 1 (in my dreams, that is). After a rather yucky week of rainy gray skies, we had another big snowfall yesterday and it's still going strong. It's really put me into the holiday spirit and I've been listening exclusively to Christmas music, walking around with a goofy smile on my face, and pestering my students to acknowledge how beautiful it is (most of them seem to be of the grinch persuasion, unfortunately).
Sneg at the university. |
I also have a new favorite Serbian word:
sneg. It means snow, obviously. Doesn't it just sound like a great Dr. Seuss made-up word?
My sneg-covered street. |
"All the Whos down in Whoville, asleep in their beds, with visions of lovely white sneg in their heads."
Sneg at the high school |
Or something like that. Oh, and the downside of winter?
That's right, folks: a delightful 3:58 pm sunset. Ah well, all the more time to enjoy some beautiful sparkling sneg by night. Happy December, everyone!